About NLH

Dhiral Panchmatia
New Learning Horizons (NLH) is the fastest growing Fun Filled Activity & Self Development Institute providing Low Cost Home Based franchising across the globe.
Established in 2008 by DHIRAL PANCHMATIA it is an ISO 9001:2015 certified Institute and provides scientifically designed and unique trademarked education program.
What We Do...
“Enriching Children's future” - With Fun Filled Activity & Self Development Classes
& “Empowering Women” - With Home Based, Low Cost Franchisee
Our Programs
Write-Well - Handwriting & Calligraphy Program
Easy Math - Concepts of Vedic Math
Rubic's Cube
Coding & Robotics
Tuitions - Maths, Science, Hindi
Languages - English, Hindi, Spanish, Italian, German, French, Sanskrit
Music & Dance - Indian Classical, Piano, Guitar, Zumba...
What We Offer
New Learning Horizons launched on 16th January 2008 is an ISO 9001-2015 CERTIFIED vocational training Institute.
Through a system of home based franchising New Learning Horizons provide extensive trainings at your city itself along with all advertising material like flex boards, banners, flyers also the student application form book with the receipt book. You can also approach Schools with folders sent by us only.
Join us as a State/City partner in Business or Start a profitable Educational Institute.
NLH provides Vocational Training & all round brain development premier courses which are trade marked.
They are
WriteWell - Handwriting Improvement & Calligraphy programme &
Easy Math - Concepts of Vedic Math.
Trainings are given in these programmes to those who wish to start their own franchise centers & conduct classes from their own premises. Complete know-how of these programmes is provided via extensive trainings by highly professional trainers to the unit franchise holder.
Along with this we also provide a complete start up kit comprising of standardised advertising material such as flyers, banners, boards & posters, we also give student application form books as well as student fee receipt books. The system is developed in such a way that the franchisee holder does not have to venture out for anything except to market the product and conduct classes.
Each day we strive harder to provide better facilities to our franchisees and course instructors and strive even harder to better the contents of our courses and methods of teaching so as to ensure that children have positive and overall development in their personality.
NLH conducts these classes in several schools on both Mandatory basis as well as an Optional basis. It has trained more than thousands of students since 2008.